Board Spotlight - Jimmy McCourt

Board of Directors Spotlight: 

Jimmy McCourt | Vice President, Client Services
Shaker Recruitment Marketing

Number of Years as a NAHCR Member: 5

Offices held and/or committee involvement in NAHCR and/or Chapter: NAHCR Business Partner at-Large (2023-2024); NAHCR Communications Committee Member (2018-2019)

Additional experiences/responsibilities contributing to qualifications for this office: I have been partnering with health organizations of all sizes since 2011 in helping the space solve for the most complex recruitment problems. I am passionate about empowering our health organizations to find best-fit talent, create talent models that promote a productive environment, and lead to high retention and employee satisfaction rates. NAHCR has been a wonderful community to be a part of since 2018 and I am honored to serve on the Board as the Business Partner representative.

Why are you interested in serving on the NAHCR Board of Directors? After being involved with NAHCR over the last five years, I've observed the organization grow and adjust with the times. I believe in the value that NAHCR provides the health care recruitment community, and feel strongly that there needs to be a community for our space. I am excited to be part of this growth and offer my experience and network to NAHCR.

From your perspective, what are the three most important priorities that NAHCR should pursue during the next two years? Membership, member resources, and continued focus on producing a wonderful and engaging annual event.

As a member of the Board, how will you contribute to realizing these priorities? I will continue being an evangelist and advocate of the organization. While recognizing my role as a business partner, my work has been deeply embedded with my client practitioners and feel a "part of" the health care recruitment industry and community. I will leverage this unique position of being an extension to health care recruitment practitioners to help the organization stay on track to continue to grow membership and enrich our members with the best resources.

What is your vision of how NAHCR can influence the practice of health care recruitment? I believe the potential to influence is great. There isn't another community quite like NAHCR at a national scale. As we have a new wave of talent rolling into the corporate space, I view it as a fresh opportunity to innovate the NAHCR engagement model with the health care recruitment community and its practitioners at large.

How has your NAHCR membership contributed to your practice of health care recruitment? It has afforded me the opportunity to meet and network with many in the space, several of whom have become my mentors, such as Matt Rimer and Anthony Gentile. The events themselves have helped me stay on top of the most pressing challenges we're all facing in our space.